Send these social democrats a letter: STOP CETA NOW! 

CETA is back for the Dutch vote! Do you remember this trade agreement between the EU and Canada? Good deal for multinationals, but bad news for our democracy, the climate and our farmers. After one and a half years of silence, the dutch ruling parties and the social democrats (PvdA) are suddenly in a hurry to ratify CETA before the summer. On Tuesday, July 12, the Dutch Senate will debate and vote on the CETA treaty. The social democratic PvdA has the decisive vote, and is considering helping CETA to get a majority. That's why we need your support: help convince the PvdA to vote down this devastating treaty! 

On this page you will find four prominent PvdA-members, who can help us stop CETA. Through this page we send them as many emails as possible, to convince them that we should use this historic opportunity to stop this treaty. Click on the image of the social democrat you want to send an email to. We have already prepared a text for you, which you can still edit if you want. If you want to send more than one email you can come back to this page and click on another person!

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